Transparent Mirrors
“Instant photography, on spot, is nothing but an encounter with chance, yet an accident of chance.” – Francis Bacon
With chance playing a role as master and nobody successful at every shot, I attempt in my photography to anticipate the moment in order to reveal it. For me documenting the moment means the photograph is made in camera, with no manipulation — no Photoshop in post…. this becomes the starting point…
Transparent Mirrors refers to images captured in a peripatetic state of movement, the results of layering in space superimposed against reality, with images reappearing and disappearing – leaving the viewer with the photograph, as visual testimony to the …. imaginary. Sort of Rorschach test?
Apart from the aesthetic nature of the work, the photographs welcome a pause, an interruption, within the “accident of chance”: before, during, after… the moment the photograph is taken can never be repeated. Particularly with the printed representation, an image made moment by moment with its earnest effort at transparency, the series of photographs remains faithful to reality and to the subjects in the photographs.
In a given moment revealing opacity in a photograph also denies that image of its existence in time. So in response my pursuit of transparency becomes both process and escape from the two-dimensional flatness of a photographic document, which has led me successfully to make images without constraints of time, space, and context — ultimately liberating myself and the privileged moments in the photos from the shackles of representation.
Today among my photographic practice and the resultant works, the printed photographs in the series Transparent Mirrors, has granted me freedom to transcend not only time and place but also in a larger context – the ability to leave the physical world behind.